Let admit it. You read some of your favorite blogger’s recent posts and want to comment. I am all for bloggers linking their website as long as it is not spammy. You can definitely tell the difference between sketchy self-promo comments from the genuine ones. When I read other blogger’s posts, I will sometimes comment about something I loved, caught my eye, or even something super random that I noticed we have in common. And then when I sign my name, I link my blog! I love connecting with other bloggers so I find that this is a great way to do so!
If you are like me when I first started blogging and did not know how to leave a professional signature with your blog link, I want to show you how! Below is my guide on how to link your blog in blog comments:
How to link your blog in blog comments:
You want to create a clickable link rather than copy and pasting your URL (www.missoliviasays.com) at the end of your comment. Let me tell ya, it does not take a all-star coder to do so. It is actually so simple!
All you need is a simple URL code: <a href=”http://www.missoliviasays.com”>Miss Olivia Says</a>
When you add this code to the signature of your comment on a blog post, it will show up like this: Miss Olivia Says
Customize the code to include your URL in the parentheses and then add your blog name in between the > and < section. And viola! You have your clickable link to link your blog in blog comments. And to save yourself a lot of time, I just have my signature on the sticky note app so I can just copy and paste it whenever I write comments!
I hope this helped you and comment down below if you tried this out!
I’ve wanted to know how to do this for such a long time. Thanks for showing me how to do this.
Gold Clutter
Ugh, thank you for this. In my years of blogging, I have yet to figure out the secret to do this lol.
Oh, the Places We’ll Go!