TGIF! Happy Friday, Miss Olivia Says readers! Last weekend I was visiting my family in California and brought along Paul too! Paul and my dad spent the weekend golfing because they are completely obsessed with the game. I worked from home remotely in California on Friday, which is such a great perk because it allowed Paul and I to fly to Sacramento Thursday night and have more time with my parents! After I finished up work on Friday, my bff from high school, Juliana, came over for pizza and a photo shoot. Juliana has been featured on my blog before, as she has her own blog and YouTube channel, Tourist to Local. Be sure to check out here videos HERE because not only is she hilarious, but I love her travel tips and videos about her travel experiences.
My mom, Juliana, Paul and I ate Dominos pizza and drank some wine before we headed out to the fields behind our house to force Paul to take pictures of us. I think we made him take like 200+ pictures, so sorry mom… those are still all on your camera. Juliana then took some pictures of me and Paul since we really don’t have too many of the two of us! I thought it would be fun to share our photo shoot on my blog. Check it out below:

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