With all the stresses of life, it is so easy to change how you feel in an instant. And while don’t have full control over your circumstances, you do have control over the thoughts you think and the actions you take. Although you cannot control the outside world, you can control your inner thoughts, feeling and actions – meaning you could shift your focus and perception to see things in a more helpful way. This will help lead you to feeling more positive, which will subsequently lead to you taking more positive and empowered action.
However, sometimes it is easy to end up in a downward spiral where we look to external fixes to internal problems. For example, a lot of people will go on a shopping spree and whilst hunting for the best rose perfumes can be a rewarding olfactory sensation it is not going to be the answer to your feeling of loneliness or low self-esteem for instance.
The challenge is that we have emotional habits that are second nature to us, meaning they run almost automatically, as they operate from the subconscious mind rather than conscious mind.
A habit according to Wikipedia, is a routine of behavior that is repeated regularly and tends to occur subconsciously. If you want to change how you feel about your life, or yourself, it is important that you develop better habits.
One the best habits you can develop to living a happier life and feeling good about yourself is to embrace the paradigm of self love; meaning rather than beat yourself up the whole time you accept yourself for all that you are and practice self care rather than self criticism.
It’s not just internal though. One of the best ways to feel better about yourself is to contribute to others as this gets you out of your internal world and shifts your mental focus to the external, which has been proven to help people suffering from anxiety, depression and chronic rumination; meaning they mull over things too much.
In addition to embracing the paradigm of self love, here are three specific tips to help you good about yourself.
It’s very easy to chase after external things or circumstances in order to fill the void within – but the best way to fill that void is to find nourishing ways to fill your life that provide meaning and fulfillment… rather than chasing people or things to fill a hole in the soul.
If we were to consider the metaphor of back pain; there’s usually a trigger that causes this type of pain; an aggravating factor. Similarly, there are activities, people and circumstances you engage with on an emotional level that can trigger emotional pain.
Negative energy is contagious, in that it rubs off on you – meaning if you’re around negative people all the time you will become negative yourself. Get around positive, uplifting and inspiring people instead.
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