2020 may suck with no light at the end of the tunnel, but it is an important year because I have made the final crossover into adulthood. Okay.. it’s really not that exciting and I am sure the title of this blog post gave it away, but this is the first year we did Christmas cards with our lovely faces on them. We haven’t got them back from Shutterfly yet, but we had fun finding matching outfits and having Paul’s dad snap some photos at a random patch of nature by our house. Honestly, it is the little things at this point in the year.

Shutterfly always has good deals (not sponsored) and we were able to get 50% off our cards. I think the sale ends today, but I am sure there will be more money to save with Black Friday coming up.

There’s not much more to this post only that hopefully we end up on one of our friend’s/family’s refrigerator for a couple of weeks this holiday season.
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xoxo Olivia
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