Finals suck! Lets just put that out there. But they are usually necessary in order to pass a class, so why not do your best on them! I know that for me by the time finals roll around I am so over classes and studying/writing papers are the last thing I want to do… but I just have to grin and bear it because after one week of late nights and stress, I get to head home for a month of no homework, tests, papers, or projects! Below are some of my tips to help you get through finals:
1. Make To-Do Lists:
Not everyone is a to-do list kind of person, but I can guarantee if you plan out your days during finals week, it will help so much! You can be bland and just write down what classes you are studying for each day or really get into it like I do and schedule out each hour of the day! To-do lists will help you organize and stay on top of your studies, plus it feels so great when you get to cross things off!
2. Re-write your notes & create a study guide:
Yes, this is extremely tedious, but it really helps me retain information. Condense your notes and make bullet points or lists of information. The more you rewrite your notes, the more you will start to memorize the information.
3. Have a friend quiz you:
If you have a friend in your class, quiz each other. I even find it extremely helpful to to use nemonic devices or funny phrases to help you remember facts. If you don’t have someone in your class you can study with, ask a roomie to quiz you! Side note: one year my roommate and I were in the same philosophy class and we studied for our final by teaching our pillow pets the information…{???}
4. Treat yourself!
Treat yourself to a yummy snack or drink. You don’t need to overload yourself with caffeinated beverages 24/7. My drink of choice is ginger-ale, so I tend to sip on that during study sessions. Remember to also drink lots of water. I tend to get headaches when I am in the zone focusing for too long because I always forget to hydrate!
5. Make flashcards
Making flashcards or using Quizlet is the perfect way to study on the go. When I am stressed about a test, I pull out my flashcards or open my Quizlet app and study in between classes or while I am eating in the dining hall. Writing each flashcard can be tedious, but it definitely helps with retaining the information.
One of the most important tips for studying for finals is cutting out any distractions. I know I won’t get anything done if I am trying to study at my college house with five other girls running around. Head to the library or a quiet spot where you won’t be tempted to chat with friends. Technology can also put a damper on your studying. Spending five hours in the library studying doesn’t count if you are scrolling through Tumblr and messaging friends half the time. Turn off our phone or give yourself “social media breaks” if you can’t resist!
Good luck on all your finals!!
Great tips! Words cannot describe how much I'm dreading finals week(s) this semester.
Diana |