Hello everyone, my name is Maria Jose, I am a nineteen years old Mexican fashion blogger at 81CLOSET. I’ve loved fashion since a really young age and I love helping other girls when I comes to styling an outfit because we all had that struggle before.
I am really happy to be collaborating with Olivia from Miss Olivia says on Valentines Day inspired outfits! First, I decided to make a day outfit and keep it casual but chic. I also thought about all the girls that go out to dinner or dancing to celebrate V-day and thus, I created a night outfit. Both outfits are my go to every time I have a special occasion. Hopefully this helped you out and let me know what are your plans for Valentines day!
This is super perfect for Valentine…. absolutely stunning !!!
I could wear outfit 1 every single day!
Dresses & Denim
Love the neutral tones! Great outfits!
Right?! Maria did a great job!
Same! It is so cute! xo
Totally agree!!