Wouldn’t it be nice to have a unlimited supply of beautifully curated stock photos for your blog and social media channels? I know I would personally benefit from a photographer who could help me create styled photos for my Pinterest graphics, blog posts and social media. Unfortunately, I don’t have a personal photographer and I usually either take my own graphics or opt for help from my lovely fellow lady-bosses who have created free stock photos for bloggers. I know that creating custom photo content is not always the most feasible option so opting for (legit) stock photos where you don’t have to worry about copyright issues is the way to go. Below I complied a fully vetted list of the top 10 places to find free stock photos for bloggers!
Market Beautifully:
Hayley has a downloadable zip file that contains a ton of great graphics that you can use for just about anything. She doesn’t state to give attribution to her, but I always like to!
Check out her stock photography HERE
Haute Chocolate
I love these stock photos you get by signing up for the Haute Chocolate mailing list. And side note, it is such a great idea to get mailing list readers by offering them a incentive to sign up. Once you sign up you get access to five beautiful photos!
Sign up HERE
Rekita Nicole

I have used these stock photos before and think they are adorable! You don’t have to sign up for anything and can just save the graphics straight from her blog. But she does ask that you credit her when using the pictures!
Download the graphics HERE
A Prettier Web
I used graphics from A Prettier Web in recent posts. They are so darling and it is super easy to sign up!
Sign up HERE
Turquoise and Palm
I love the stock photos from Turquoise and Palm. They are so sleek and darling plus when you sign up, you get 15 free stock photos! Also, I love that once you sign up for the newsletter, you get new graphics sent every month or so!
Sign up for the newsletter HERE
Sign up for the email list and you immediately get 10 free beautifully styled photos! use them for any commercial use and feel free to tag @wonderfelle for credit!
Sign up HERE
Ashley Creates Things
I love Ashley’s stock photos because they are so feminine and cute! Plus, I am a sucker for the all white theme. If you use her photos, she does appreciate credit back to her website or Instagram.
Start downloading her stock photos HERE
Dabbles & Babbles
Dabbles & Babbles images are so cute and girly! You can get 8 FREE styled stock photos just by downloading!
Download your 8 free photos HERE
Elle Westley
You can get 5 free stock photos just by signing up for the Elle Westley newsletter! I love these graphics because they are very glam and fresh! Perfect for creating Pinterest graphics or featured images on blog posts!
Sign up HERE
Just Apri
I love this pack of 12 free stock photos for bloggers! The flay lays are adorable and are a great addition to your blog! Just sign up for the newsletter and you will get access to the entire set!
Sign up HERE
Okay, y’all have a lot of downloading and signing up to do! But it is so worth it! Great photography is key to a successful and engaging blog. Let me know down in the comments your favorite site to get free stock photos for bloggers!
Want more Miss Olivia Says? Check out my latest posts HERE and HERE and HERE.
That you for providing more stock photos!
This is always important for bloggers or updating websited with gorgeous pics. Thanks for the resource.
Great post! Thanks for sharing.
Hey great post! I’ve been looking for some feminine stock photos so your list has made it much easier for me 🙂
I do my own photos but this is a good resource, you never know when I might need it.
SO important, have bookmarked for future references:)
Outstanding roundup! Thanks for these unstoppable options. Cheers!