If you have been reading my blog for awhile now, you’ll know that when I am not blogging I am a Project Coordinator for a cyber security company. What I love most about my job is the flexibility. I work from home 2-days a week and have the ability to do more remote if I am going to my parent’s house in California for things like wedding planning. However, typically I am in the office 3 days a week and am slightly crazy because I prefer starting my day between 6:20-6:30am. I know that sounds nuts to some people, and a couple years ago I wouldn’t even fathom being a morning person. But being immersed in the “”adult world” for 2+ years now since college, I came to realize that I love getting off of work by 3:00pm and having more time to do fun things and be productive.. even if that means waking up early.
My office is also veryyyy casual so that means I don’t have to dress business professional each morning, which definitely saves a lot time. I always get my clothes out the night before and make sure to pack my work backpack with my laptop. I have nailed down my routine so much that I wake up at around 6:00am, which is about 10 minutes before I have to leave! My morning routine seems to go smoothly, but sometimes my night time routine isn’t always as streamlined. Especially on Sunday nights when I have a case of the Sunday Scaries, getting a good night’s rest isn’t always the easiest. And what is worse than waking up on a Monday then waking up EXHAUSTED on a Monday?! I always find it a little difficult to bring myself back into the work week routine after a fun weekend of late nights and sleeping in. I partnered with ORB Wellness to test out their ORB Sleep Complex vitamins and see if I noticed a difference with my sleeping and sense of restfulness the next morning.
I had heard of ORB Wellness before, but their Sleep Complex vitamins were news to me! To give you some background on the ORB Sleep Complex, essentially it is a 2 in 1 capsule that utilizes innovative time-release technology to deliver ingredients throughout the night, allowing you to wake up energized all day long. Take 1-2 capsules before bed, sleep soundly, and then wake up feeling refreshed and energized because of the delayed release of B12.
ORB Sleep Complex Make Up:
- Chill out with L-Theanine, GABA and 5-HTP
- Wind down with a relaxation oil blend of Lavender + Ylang ylang
- Sleep deeply with Melatonin + Valerian root
- Wake up bright with time delayed released Vitamin B12
My Experience:
I have always had a low-tolerance to things so even though the serving size is 2 capsules, I only take 1. For example, in the past even half of a Benedryl tablet knocks me out and makes me feel extremely groggy, so 1 ORB Sleep Complex works great for me. The number 1 thing I was worried about was waking up at 6am feeling groggy and in a fog, similar to Benedryl or night time cold medicine when I am sick. But right of the bat I noticed I was not groggy at all in the morning and felt an odd sense of energy, which is definitely not typical for me during the work week. I take the capsule about 30 minutes prior to heading to bed and it is the perfect amount of time for me. Plus, when I have the Sunday Scaries, I have noticed that because I fall asleep quicker, it minimizes the amount of anxiety I have laying awake thinking about the week that lies ahead.
I also noticed that the ORB Sleep Complex helped me sleep throughout the night. On nights where I don’t get the best sleep, it tends to be because it takes me awhile to fall asleep AND I don’t stay asleep. I definitely have noticed more nights where I fall asleep and don’t wake up until my alarm clock. If you are interested in trying out the ORB Sleep Complex for yourself, it has officially made it’s way into Costco locations (California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado) and Costco.com. You can also purchase ORB Sleep Complex and all of the other ORB products at orbwellness.com!
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This blog post was sponsored by ORB Wellness. As Always, all opinions are my own!
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