Skin is the largest organ we possess and by far it takes the biggest beating. It’s exposed to the rain, wind, frost and sun. On top of this was blast it with hot water when we take a bath or shower. All of these things rip away layers and layers of skin cells and leave the skin rid of it’s natural oils. These oils aren’t just secreted to protect us from the harsh environment and make sure our skin doesn’t dry up. It also, provides our skin with a bounce, a healthy glow and stretchiness. It’s the lubricant that makes our skin so versatile. So in terms of beauty, one of the things we would like to avoid is droopiness or loosening of our skin to the point that it hangs and flops around of its own accord. However it takes a long time for our skin to get this way, and you can see signs of this beginning to occur so there’s plenty of time to stop it. The key is, to form your own regimen and stick to it because persistence is going to pay off.
No more flapping
Remember when you were young and you were confused by the stretchy skin under grandma’s arms? Loose skin under the arms is sometimes called ‘bingo wings’ but it’s no laughing matter. Many people are conscious of their flaws when it comes to this area because they can feel the flesh on their triceps dangling or beginning to flop around easily. The number one way to stop is is arm exercises or at least cardio workouts that focus on the arms. Bicep push-ups and tricep dips are the two most effective ways to tighten up the skin around this area. You are forcing the skin to sweat and breathe, and new blood to begin flowing here. It’s also a good idea to do aerobics and focus on the upper body such as moving around a weighted ball in your hands.
Two is not better than one
Both men and women suffer from it, the dreaded double chin. No it’s not always because someone is overweight, but rather it could just be your genetics. It might also be that you had put on a lot of weight quickly and didn’t manage to lose it quickly enough. It’s also possible that some fat cells have lingered underneath your chin despite having already lost the weight. It can look strange when a slim person has an extended chin or a turkey neck as some might say. With Kybella injections the fat cells around this area can quickly be melted down so your skin can tighten up once again and limit or totally get rid of the double chin. Just make sure that you tell the medical professional that you consult with of any kind of medical history or ongoing status such as pregnancy.
Loose skin is the bane of everyone no matter if you’re a women or man. It’s a sign of aging and weak skin but with a few things such as targeted exercises and some medical help when you require it, you can make your skin tight and healthy.
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