There was a period of time blogging where I had so much extra free time (and inspiration) that I was getting 10-15x the monthly views. I was putting in the effort to create great content and drive readers to my site. Miss Olivia Says is definitely a roller coaster type blog based on how busy I am with my 9-5 and personal life. Regardless of where you are at with blogging, I wanted to share tips that help drive traffic to my site. And don’t worry, I am not trying to pitch you a blogging course for the amazing price of $199. These tips have help me and I hope they can help some of my fellow bloggers.

- You gotta post to drive traffic: In order to get readers to your blog, you should post often. My worst traffic months are when I am MIA and not posting regularly. It’s not rocket science, but it can be easily overlooked when trying to drive traffic.
- Comment on other blogs: This really helped increase traffic during my peak months. It takes time and you have to be genuine. Don’t come off as a spammy robot, because no one has time for that. I made this post on how to link your blog the right way close to 3 years ago. It is still helpful and you can lean how to create a customer hyperlink with your URL.
- Don’t forget to optimize your blog with SEO: Most blogging platforms have an SEO section at the bottom of the post editor. Take the extra 2-3 minutes once you finish up writing to dedicate to SEO. And if you want a throwback, check out my SEO tips from a few yeas ago. It’s an older post, but still #relevant.
- Back in the day, I would add my new blog post links to Stumbleupon and I gained a good amount of traffic. is the new Stumbleupon and a quick way to post a link and get some readers over to your blog.
- Pinterest: If you aren’t using Pinterest as part of your blogging strategy, start now. I have blog pins from over a year ago that still gain traction and send readers over to my website. Lately, I have been focusing on creating aesthetically pleasing Pins for my blog posts. With the amount of Pinterest users, my pins get a crazy amount of impressions and that can lead to saves and even better, link clicks.
To my fellow bloggers out there, comment down below what your holy grail tips are for increase traffic.
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xoxo Olivia
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